Editorial Advisory Board
Jonathan Alpert , M.D., Ph.D Department of Psychiatry, USA
Mark B Hamner M.D., Ph.D
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC 29425, USA
Ronald T. Brown., M.D., Ph.D
Division Chief, American Board of Professional Psychology, Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs at Wayne State University Houston, USA
Alpert J Massachusetts General Hospital, USA
Dr. Jonathan Alpert is the first incumbent of the Joyce R. Tedlow Chair at Harvard Medical School in the field of Depression Studies. He is Associate Chief of the MGH Department of Psychiatry, Associate Director of the MGH Depression Clinical and Research Program and Director of Medical Student Education in Psychiatry at Harvard. Dr. Alpert's interests include pharmacological and other innovative approaches to treatment-resistant major depressive disorder; clinical features of depressive subtypes; psychotropic drug metabolism and drug interactions; surrogate biomarkers of response to antidepressants and placebo; offspring of depressed parents; the role of folate, S-adenosyl-methionine (SAMe) and other substrates of one carbon metabolism in the pathophysiology and treatment of depression; ethical issues in the design and conduct of human studies, and medical education. He is the author and co-author of over 180 publications. Dr. Alpert received his BA summa cum laude from Yale College in Philosophy and Psychology, his MD from Yale University School of Medicine, and his PhD in behavioral pharmacology on a Marshall Scholarship from the University of Cambridge (UK) with Susan D. Iversen PhD. He completed residencies at Boston Children's Hospital (pediatrics) and at McLean Hospital (psychiatry).
Editorial Advisory Board
Arnold E Ohio State University, USA
L Eugene Arnold is Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at Ohio State University (OH, USA), where he was formerly Director of the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Vice-Chair of Psychiatry. He graduated from Ohio State University College of Medicine (OH, USA) magna cum laude, interned at University of Oregon (OR, USA), took residencies at Johns Hopkins (MD, USA), where he earned the MEd, and served in the US Public Health Service. He is a coinvestigator in the Ohio State University Research Unit on Pediatric Psychopharmacology, part of theResearch Units on Pediatric Psychopharmacology Autism Network. He has over 40 years' experience in child psychiatric research, including the multisite National Institute of Mental Health Multimodal Treatment Study of Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, for which he continues as executive secretary and current chair of the steering committee. For his work on the Multimodal Treatment Study of Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder he received the NIH Director's Award. A particular interest is alternative and complementary treatments for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. His publications include nine books, over 60 chapters and over 200 articles.
Arnold S University of Pennsylvania, USA
Asherson P Kings College London, UK
Barnes T Imperial College London, UK
Thomas RE Barnes trained at Guy's Hospital (UK) and the University of Cambridge Clinical School (UK). He is currently Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at Imperial College (UK), where he was Head of the Department of Psychological Medicine from 2005 to 2009. He is also joint head of the Prescribing Observatory for Mental Health (POMH-UK) and Honorary ConsultantPsychiatrist at the West London Mental Health NHS Trust (UK), where he was Director of R&D from 1995 to 2009. His research has focussed on schizophrenia and its treatment, generating well over 250 publications. He is a past member of the Committee on Safety of Medicines, past Chair of the Royal College of Psychiatrists' Psychopharmacology Special Interest Group and past President of the British Association for Psychopharmacology.
Brown R Temple University, USA
Ronald T. Brown is Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs and Professor of Psychology at Wayne State University. Dr Brown is a diplomate in Clinical Health Psychology of the American Board of Professional Psychology and is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the American Psychological Society, the Society of Behavioral Medicine and the National Academy of Neuropsychology. Dr Brown has been the recipient of numerous grant awards from the NIH, the CDC, the Department of Defense and the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services. Dr Brown is the past Editor of the Journal of Pediatric Psychology and served on the Behavioral Medicine and Intervention Outcomes of the Center for Scientific Review of the NIH. He has published over 250 articles, chapters and books related to childhood psychopathology and health psychology. He has also served on the editorial boards of 12 journals related to child and adolescent psychopathology, and currentl serves as a liaison to the American Academy of Pediatrics Subcommittee on the Assessment and Practice Guidelines for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and the Psychosocial Committee of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Dr Brown has served as the Chair of the Board of Scientific Affairs of the American Psychological Association and serves on the Board of Educational Affairs of the American Psychological Association.
Cannnon T Yale University, USA
Hamner M Medical University of South Carolina, USA
Dr Mark B Hamner is Professor of Psychiatry in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Medical University of South Carolina. He also serves as Medical Director and Director of Psychopharmacology Research in the post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Clinical Team at the Ralph H Johnson Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Charleston, SC, USA. Dr Hamner completed his training in Psychiatry at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. He has published extensively on the biology and psychopharmacology of PTSD. His current research interests include the pharmacological treatment of PTSD, combined psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy for PTSD, and the treatment of other psychiatric disorders including bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.
Hoschl C Charles University, Czech Republic
Cyril Höschl received his MUDr. (Doctor of Medicine) at the Charles University in Prague in 1974. After completing his residency he became a Research Fellow and Psychiatrist at Psychiatric Research Institute (PRI) and Assistant Professor at Charles University. His research interests include psychoneuroendocrinology, psychopharmacology and biological psychiatry. Prof. Höschl has served as Dean of Third Medical Faculty of the Charles University (1990-1997) and was appointed Professor of Psychiatry and Chairman of the Prague Psychiatric Centre (former PRI). Since 2004, he has also served as Professor of Psychiatry at the University of P.J.Safarik, Kosice, Slovak Republic. In 1996 he became a Member and 2003 a Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatry, Great Britain. Between 1991 and 1998 Prof. Höschl chaired the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic. Between 1993 and 1999 he was a member of the Standing Committee on Long Range Planning, World Psychiatric Association, and between 2007 and 2008 he served as President of the European Psychiatric Association (EPA). Since 2004, he has held the position President of the Czech Medical Academy and between 2008and 2009 he acted as President of the Federation of European Academies of Medicine (FEAM, Brussels). Prof. Höschl is an Honorary Editor for Neuroendocrinology Letters, Editor-in-Chief of Psychiatrie (CZ), Co-editor of International Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine and he serves on the editorial board of International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice. He has authored more than 100 publications.
Kasper S Medical University Vienna, Austria
Dr Siegfried Kasper is Professor of Psychiatry and Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the Medical University of Vienna, Austria. Dr. Kasper published 875 in ISI (http://portal.isiknowledge.com) listed publications (Citation Index: 9236, Hirsch-Index: 50) and more than 200 book chapters, in various areas of psychiatry. Dr. Kasper serves on the executive committees and advisory boards of several national and international societies, such as the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) and the Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum (CINP). He is president of the Austrian Society of Drug Safety in Psychiatry (Ã
Lavretsky H University of California Los Angeles, USA
Helen Lavretsky, MD, is a Professor of Psychiatry in the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences of the Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). She directs a research program in late-life depression, stress and wellness program at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at UCLA. Dr Lavretsky is a recipient of the career development and other research awards from National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the National Center for Complementary and Alternative medicine (NCCAM) and other research grants. Her current research interest is in developing biomarkers of treatment response in geriatric depression with mild cognitive impairment, as well as developing mind-body approaches to treatment and prevention of mood and cognitive disorders in older adults using medications, memory training, exercise, Tai-Chi, yoga and meditation. After receiving her Medical Degree from the Moscow Medical Institute, Dr Lavretsky performed her residency in Psychiatry at UCLA-San Fernando Valley Residency Program, followed by the UCLA Fellowship in Geriatric Psychiatry and the national VA Research Fellowship in Neurosciences. She received her Degree of Master of Science in Clinical Research from UCLA in 2004. She is Board certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology with added Geriatric Qualifications, and by the American Board of Holistic and Integrative Medicine. She is a Member of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. Dr Lavretsky serves on the editorial board of the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, Journal of Aging Health and Psychiatric Times, and serves as a scientific reviewer for many scientific journals.
Lawson W Howard University College ofMedicine, USA
William B. Lawson is currently Professor and Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Howard University College of Medicine and Hospital. He is also a professor on the graduate faculties of psychology and pharmacology. He is President of the Washington Psychiatric Society, a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and a member of the American College of Psychiatrists. He is past Chair of the Section of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences of the National Medical Association, and past President of the Black Psychiatrists of America. He received the Howard University Faculty Senate Creativity and Research Award, the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill Exemplary Psychiatrist Award and the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, Outstanding Psychologist Award. He was twice named one of "America's Leading Black Doctors" by Black Enterprise Magazine, was the Andrea Delgado Honoree and Lecturer for the Black Psychiatrists of America, received the Jeanne Spurlock Award from the American Psychiatric Association, received the E.Y. Williams Clinical Scholar of Distinction Award from the Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Section of the National Medical Association, a Multicultural Workplace Award from the Veterans Administration for his outstanding contributions to the advancement of diversity and multicultural understanding.
Links P University of Toronto, Canada
Paul Links is the incumbent of the Arthur Sommer Rotenberg Chair in Suicide Studies, University of Toronto, the first Chair in North America dedicated to suicide research, and is a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. Dr Links is a former President for the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention (CASP) and President of the Association for Research on Personality Disorders. He is also the Deputy Chief of Psychiatry of the St Michael's Hospital's Mental Health Service. Dr Links is the Editor of the Journal of Personality Disorders. He has published over 100 articles in scientific journals and three books. As an investigator he has received research grants from many agencies, including Health and Welfare Canada, the Ontario Ministry of Health, the Ontario Mental Health Foundation, Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board of Ontario. In October 2009, Dr Links was awarded the CASP Research Award for outstanding contributions to the field of suicide research in Canada. Dr Links' clinical experience and expertise developed from working with both acutely suicidal and persistently suicidal individuals (those who face a life-and-death struggle on a daily basis and are at high risk of taking their own lives). He leads an active interdisciplinary group of researchers at the Suicide Studies Unit with Arthur Sommer Rotenberg Chair at St Michael's Hospital.
Martinez-Aran A University of Barcelona, Spain
McKenna P Germanes Hospitalà ries del Sagrat Cor de Jesús, Spain
Möller H Ludwig-Maximilians University, Germany
Shen W TMU-School of Medicine, Taiwan
Winston Wu-Dien Shen received his M.D. degree from Taipei Medical University in 1970. He received psychiatry residency trainings in Taipei City Psychiatric Center in Taiwan (1972-1973), and University of Nebraska (1972-1974) and University of New Mexico (1974-1975) in the USA. He practiced and taught in the USA. for 28 years with the last position at Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO, where he was on the faculty for 18 years and was a tenured professor of psychiatry. He is certified by the American Board of Neurology and Psychiatry, for his medical subspecialty in both psychiatry and drug addiction in the USA. He is an active member of distinguished life fellow in the American Psychiatric Association. Dr Shen is the Editor-in-Chief of the Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry, the official journal of the Taiwanese Society of Psychiatry. Dr Shen is also appointed as an International Editor of Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences and Comprehensive Psychiatry, and is on the editorial board of The Journal of Asian Psychiatry and Asia-Pacific Psychiatry. He chaired the Scientific Program Committee of the Second World Congress of Asian Psychiatry held in Taipei, 7-10November, 2009. He will chair the Scientific Program Committee of the World Psychiatric Association's Regional Meeting to be held in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 3-5November, 2011. Currently, Dr Shen is professor and chairman emeritus at the Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine and Chief Emeritus at the Department of Psychiatry at TMU-Wan Fang Medical Center, Taipei Medical University. He lectures extensively in Taiwan, Asia and the USA on various topics in psychopharmacology, to address the underuse issues of antidepressants, mood stabilizers and the second-generation antipsychotic drugs.
Stahl SM University of California San Diego, USA
Dr Stephen M Stahl received his undergraduate and medical degrees from Northwestern University in Chicago, as a member of the honors program in Medical Education and his PhD. degree in pharmacology and physiology from the University of Chicago. Dr Stahl has trained in three specialties: internal medicine at the University of Chicago; neurology at the University of California in San Francisco; and psychiatry at Stanford University. He is board certified in psychiatry. He has held faculty positions at Stanford University, the University of California at Los Angeles, the Institute of Psychiatry London, the Institute of Neurology London, and, currently, at the University of California at San Diego. Recently, Dr Stahl was elected an Honorary Visiting Senior Fellow in the Department of Psychiatry and a Visiting Fellow at Clare Hall at the University of Cambridge in the UK. Dr Stahl was also Executive Director of Clinical Neurosciences at the Merck Neuroscience Research Center in the UK for several years. He has conducted numerous research projects during his career awarded by the National Institute of Mental Health, by the Veterans Administration and by the pharmaceutical industry. Author of over 425 articles and chapters, and more than 1500 scientific presentations and abstracts, Dr Stahl is an internationally recognized clinician, researcher and teacher in psychiatry with a subspecialty expertise in psychopharmacology. He has edited five books and written 25 others. Dr Stahl serves as a fellow of the ACNP (American College of Neuropsychopharmacology) and of the CINP, where he was formerly vice president. He has been named recipient of the International College of Neuropsychopharmacology (CINP) Lundbeck Foundation Award in Education for his contributions to postgraduate education in psychiatry and neurology, and also the winner of the A.E. Bennett Award of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, the American Psychiatric Association/San Diego Psychiatric Society Education Award and has been cited as both one of "America's Top Psychiatrists" and one of the "Best Doctors in America."
Stigler K Indiana University School ofMedicine, USA
Dr Stigler is Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, as well as Co-Chief and Medical Director of the Christian Sarkine Autism Treatment Center, at the Indiana University School of Medicine. Dr Stigler received her medical degree, as well as completed a residency in adult psychiatry and a fellowship in child and adolescent psychiatry, at the Indiana University School of Medicine. Dr Stigler's interests include the neurobiology and psychopharmacology of pervasive developmental disorders. She is actively involved in the clinical care of individuals with autism and related disorders. In addition, Dr Stigler has a productive research program focused on the development of pharmacological treatments for core and interfering symptoms of pervasive developmental disorders. She is a member of various professional societies including the American Psychiatric Association, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Society of Biological Psychiatry and the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology.
Storch E University of South Florida, USA
Eric Storch, PhD, is the All Children's Hospital Guild Endowed Chair and Professor of Clinical Psychology in the Departments of Pediatrics, Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences, and Psychology at the University of South Florida, FL, USA. Dr Storch specializes in the cognitive behavioral treatment of adult and childhood obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), as well as other obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders and anxiety disorders. Dr Storch has published over 300 peer-reviewed articles and has edited six books.
Tarazi F Harvard Medical School and McLean Hospital, USA
Frank Tarazi, MBBS, PhD, EMBA, is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience at Harvard Medical School and Director of the Psychiatric Neuroscience Program at McLean Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. He received his medical degree from Saint Joseph University, his doctorate degree in neuropsychiatry from Rutgers University, and his Executive MBA degree from the Northeastern University, USA. Dr Tarazi serves on the editorial boards of several journals and has published more than 120 original articles, reviews and book chapters. He is co-editor of a book entitled Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders: From Bench to Bedside. He has received several awards and honors, including the AE Bennett Award from the American Society of Biological Psychiatry, the Rafaelsen Fellowship Award from the CINP, and the Jordi-Folch Pi Memorial Award from the American Society for Neurochemistry. He is a fellow of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP) and a member of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and CINP.
Wisner K Univeristy of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Katherine L. Wisner M.D., M.S., is Professor of Psychiatry, Obstetrics/Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, Epidemiology and Women's Studies at the University of Pittsburgh, and director of the Women's Behavioral HealthCARE program at the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic (WPIC) of the University Pittsburgh Medical Center. She also serves as an investigator at the Magee-Womens Research Institute. Dr. Wisner obtained an M.S. in Nutrition and her M.D. from Case Western Reserve University, followed by a categorical pediatric internship and general and child psychiatry residency at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh and WPIC. She completed as a post-doctoral fellow in Epidemiology at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health from 1985-1988 and a fellowship in Professional Ethics at Case Western Reserve University in 1996. Dr. Wisner's main focus is research related to the psychiatric treatment of women of childbearing age. She is recognized as an expert in the treatment of depression during pregnancy and the postpartum period. She currently is the principal investigator on several National Institute of Mental Health and foundation-funded research projects including a large-scale postpartum depression screening at Magee Womens Hospital, the use of antidepressant and antimanic agents during pregnancy, novel treatments for postpartum depression, the efficacy of bright light treatment for patients with bipolar disorder and mental health treatment delivery within community settings. Dr. Wisner is board-certified in general, child and adolescent psychiatry. Her memberships in scientific societies include the Organization of Teratology Information Specialists (Board member), North American Society for Psychosocial Obstetrics and Gynecology, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (Chair of Human Subjects Committee) and the Marce International Society for the Study of Childbearing-Related Psychiatric Illness (past President). Dr. Wisner is a distinguished fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and was a consultant for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Safe Motherhood Initiative, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's report on Perinatal Depression, and the Food and Drug Administration's pediatric subcommittee on the effects of maternal SSRI use on newborns. Dr. Wisner completed the prestigious Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) program from Drexel University. She was honored with the Woman in Science Award (2011) from the American Medical Women's Association, She has authored more than 150 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters. For relaxation, Dr. Wisner has a Morgan horse and trains in dressage.
Yatham L University of British Columbia, Canada
Lakshmi N. Yatham, MBBS, FRCPC, MRCPsych (UK), is Professor of Psychiatry in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. His major areas of research interest include neurobiology and treatment of bipolar disorder and major depression. Dr. Yatham has received a number of awards during his career including the Michael Smith Foundation Senior Scholar Award, Mogen Schou Award for international education and advocacy on bipolar disorder and the Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacology Medal for his contributions. Dr. Yatham's work has been funded by a number of peer-reviewed funding agencies such as the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Canadian Psychiatric Research Foundation, Stanley Foundation, and National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression, USA. Dr. Yatham leads a Canadian consortium on bipolar disorder, which is currently pursuing testing of new treatments for bipolar disorder using pragmatic and controlled trials with substantial funding from CIHR. Dr. Yatham co-led the development of Canadian guidelines for treatment of bipolar disorder in 1997 and his group revised the guidelines for 2005 with International Commentaries. The CANMAT guidelines are widely used for treatment of bipolar disorder around the world as these are updated and published every 2 years in Bipolar Disorders Journal with the most recent update published in May 2009. He is Chair of the bipolar group of the Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT), and is actively involved at a national and international level in continuing medical education and public education on diagnosis and treatment of bipolar disorder for psychiatrists, family physicians, and the general public. Dr. Yatham was the past President of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders. He sits on the editorial boards of a number of journals including Bipolar Disorders, World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, Australia and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, Advances in Chronic Disease, Future Medicine Journals, Human Psychopharmacology, Quarterly Journal of Mental Health etc. He has published close to 200 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and presented his research work at numerous international conferences. He has also edited a number of journal supplements and books.
Associate Editors
Tianfu Li Vice director of Sanbo Brain Institute, Chief Physician, Capital Medical University, Sanbo Brain hospital
2005-2007, Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Neurobiology, Legacy Clinical Research Institute, USA 2001-2004, Ph.D, Department of Neurobiology, Fudan University Medical Center, (Shanghai Medical College) Researh Interests: Epilepsy, Temporal lobe epilepsy, focal cortical displasia, tuberous sclerosis, and Rasmussens encephalitis, vagus nerve stimulation, pre-surgery evaluation, adenosine, adenosine kinase
Jussi Jokinen Department of Clinical Neuroscience/Psychiatry, Karolinska University Hospital Solna, Sweden
2007, Ph.D., Medicine: Psychiatry, Karolinska Institutet. 2010, Center of Psychiatry and Neurosciences, 75014, Paris, France. Research Interests: Clinical Rating Scales in Suicide Prediction Cholesterol and serotonin in suicidal behaviour Neuroinflammatory biomarkers in suicidal behaviour Neuroendocrine studies in suicide attempters and in hypersexual disorder
Post R Bipolar Collaborative Network, USA
Dr. Post graduated from Yale University in 1964, the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in 1968, and interned at the Einstein School of Medicine in 1969. His Psychiatry residency was completed at the Massachusetts General Hospital, NIMH, and George Washington University. He was Chief, Biological Psychiatry Branch for many of his 36 years at the NIMH where his research focused on better understanding and treating patients with refractory unipolar and bipolar illness. His group has won major awards from the Society of Biological Psychiatry, APA, ACNP, Anna Monika Foundation, NARSAD, NDMDA, and in 2010 NAMI. He is on multiple editorial boards and has published more than 900 manuscripts. He is the author of a recent book entitled: "Treatment of Bipolar Illness: A Casebook for Clinicians and Patients" published by Norton in 2008,.and editor of the Bipolar Network News (BNN), a quarterly letter available online at bipolarnews.org.
TANG Wai Kwong Department of Psychiatry, Shatin Hospital, Hong Kong SAR
TANG Wai Kwong graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong.My main research area is the psychiatric morbidity in stroke, namely dementia, cognitive impairment, depression, anxiety, apathy, fatigue, emotional incontinence, suicidality, insomnia, pain, and quality of life. Other research areas include psychiatric morbidity in Pneumoconiosis and Parkinson?s disease, Electroconvulsive Therapy, Schizophrenia, Psychogeriatrics and Substance Abuse.
Bourin M University of Nantes, France
Prof. Michel Bourin has held the position of Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Nantes since 1985. After completing his pharmacist and medical training at Tours University he was awarded degrees in Neuropsychopharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and General Pharmacology in Paris and completed his psychiatric training in Nantes. Since 1988, Prof. Bourin has been Head of Research: Neurobiology of Anxiety and Depression. He has also served as an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Edmonton (Alberta, Canada) since 1995 and visiting Professor at University of Craiova (Romania). Prof. Bourin is currently a WHO expert for drug dependency (2000-2012). He is Doctor Hononoris Causa of the University of Tartu (Estonia) and University of Craiova (Romania). Prof. Bourin held the post of treasurer of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology and was a member of the Education Committee of the Collegium Internationale Neuropsychopharmacologicum. He has served as Associate Editor for European Neuropsychopharmacology (1992-1998), and currently serves as Chief Editor of Frontiers in Psychopharmacology and Associate Editor on the Journal of Psychiatry and Neurosciences. He is a member of the Editorial Committee of International Clinical Psychopharmacology. Prof. Bourin has published extensively in the field of psychopharmacology, including more than 300 original papers. He has also authored more than 250 educational and review papers both in French and English.
Hao-Jan Yang Department of Public Health Chung Shan Medical University, Taiwan
Jin-Hui Wang Professor in neuroscience, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Professor in physiology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China
Guofeng Wu Professor in Neurology or Neurophysiology
Guofeng Wu, Professor in Neurology and Neurophysiology, Ph.D. Director of Emergency Department of Affiliated Hospital of Guizhou Medical University. Serving as a doctor, he visits the patients every day, also served as a professor giving the students lessons about Neurology or Neurophysiology. He won the Guizhou Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award in 2015, and the Science and Technology Progress Award of Chinese Ministry of Education in 2014. He has published more than 100 papers relating to epilepsy and intracerebral hemorrhage. He has undertaken several projects regarding intractable epilepsy and minimally invasive surgery for intracerebral hemorrhage evacuation. He is now the Chairman of the Professional Committee of Neuro-emergency of Emergency Medicine Branch,Chinese Medical Doctor Association. He is also the Standing Committee Member of Emergency Medicine Branch, Chinese Stroke Society as well as the Chairman of the Professional Committee for Epilepsy of Guizhou Preventive Medicine Association.
Feng Kong Shaanxi Normal University in Xian, China
Feng Kong has published over 40 peer-reviewed articles in Neuroimage, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, Human Brain Mapping, Journal of Personality, Personality and individual differences, Journal of Happiness Studies, Social Indicators Research, etc. He has served as Associate Editor of Frontiers in Psychology, and on Editorial Boards of several journals, such as Journal of Health Psychology, Psychological Reports, International Journal of Psychology & Behavior Analysis.
Wen-Xiong Chen Department of Neurology and the Director of Psychology at Guangzhou Women and Childrens Medical Center, Guangdong Province, China
Dr. Chen received his MD and Master of Medicine in Medicopsychology in children from Fujian Medical University, and his MPhil and PhD in Child Neurology from the University of Hong Kong; he is author or co-author of over 70 publications including peer-review articles and chapters; obtaining two Provincial Science and Technology Progress Prizes as a co-author; his membership in scientific societies including the Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics Society of Chinese Medical Association (Board member), the Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics Society of Guangdong Provincial Medical Association (Vice-chair), the Autism Rehabilitation Professional Committee of Guangdong Provincial Association for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled (Vice-chair), the Guangdong Provincial Autism Rehabilitation Education Association (Council Member), the Neurologist Society of Guangdong Provincial Association of physicians; the Orphan Diseases Society of Guangdong Provincial Medical Association; serving on the editorial Boards of several Journals including Bio-Education, Chinese Journal of Child Health Care; being as a scientific reviewer for some peer-review journals.
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Journal Metrics:
Impact Factor | 2.19 |
Scimago Journal Rank (SJR) | 25 |
SJR Total Cites | 20 |
Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) | 14.82 |
h-index (2023) | 40 |
PubMed NLM ID: | 101558757 |
Google Scholar h5 index: | 32 |
Iindex Copernicus Value: | 119.6 |

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