Terminolateral Neurorrhaphy between Somatic Nerve and Autonomic Nerve
Author(s): Xiangfei He, Wansheng Gao, Jianguo WenAbstract
In peripheral nerve injury, terminolateral neurorrhaphy is a promising approach for repairing nerve. However, this nerve repair method was confined to somatic nerve system in previous studies. At present, there have been a few studies on the nerve regeneration following terminolateral neurorrhaphy between two different characteristics of somatic nerve and autonomic nerve in the peripheral nervous system.
Methods and Findings: We searched the relevant literature about terminolateral neurorrhaphy between somatic nerve and autonomic nerve in the PubMed database, and only 5 related studies were retrieved. Among the five studies, four studies were animal experiments, and one study was concerned with the clinical use of terminolateral neurorrhaphy. According to these five articles, we reviewed and analyzed the animal models, the advantages and the mechanism of nerve regeneration of terminolateral neurorrhaphy between somatic nerve and autonomic nerve with different characteristics in the peripheral system in this review.
Conclusion: Terminolateral neurorrhaphy of somatic nerve and autonomic nerve for nerve repair not only can promote recipient nerve function recovery, but also does not deteriorate the donor nerve function simultaneously. Terminolateral neurorrhaphy of autonomic nerve and somatic nerve is a novel and original concept that would cause great interest in reconstructive surgeons and neuroscientists.